Friday, February 1, 2008

A Leader is Born...

Earlier this week Connor's teacher, Mrs. D pulled me aside to let me know Connor would be receiving the "Attribute" award....So, as the week went on I pondered this and wondered how can one be an attribute??....After scoping the dictionary meanings (and there are many..)....I assumed this would be based on the  "characteristics" version .....yeikes....What could this mean???....Good Behavior/Bad Behavior, Follows  the Rules/Not ?  Fortunately, Connor received the Leadership Award..he was so proud (snack and all) was his mommy.......

I must say...I was a little frightened......good thing the school doesn't have a class clown award!!!!...he probably could have won that one too..hands, down!


1 comment:

Mental P Mama said...

Yay ConMan! Love, Mrs. Lauren